Coger - ‡ to copulate note Used in Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico. For other countries, see "tirar", "cachar", "cepillar" ",montar", "comer"
cojonear - ‡ to fuck around note Cuban slang. Example: Pedro siempre esta cojoneando conmigo. Translation: Pete's always fucking around with me.
cojones - (noun, masc. pl.) balls, testicles note Also used as an interjection denoting surprise, annoyance.
comemierda - † (Insult, fool, shiteater) note This word is commonly used bt cubans. It is very commonly used
comer - † to copulate note Used in Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela. Lit. "to eat". For other countries, see "cachar", "coger", "cepillar" ",montar", "tirar"
concha - (fem. noun) † cunt note Uruguayan slang. La concha de tu madre (your mom's cunt) is a strong insult. La concha tuya (your cunt). Conchita (diminutive), Concha Peluda (hairy cunt) are other common uses of the word.
conejo - (noun, masc.) rabbit (literally), cunt (fig.)
coño - (noun, masc.) cunt note May be used as an interjection meaning surprise, annoyance, or physical pain.
correrse - (verb, reflexive) to have an orgasm note the intransitive "correr" means to run. Only the reflexive form has a sexual connotation.
crica - † pussy note Used mostly in Puerto Rico.
culear - ‡ to move the ass (lit), to fuck (fig)
culero - note (noun, Spain) Petty drug dealer who smuggles hashish from Morocco to Spain by hiding it within his/her ass. (adj, Mexico) unpleasant, stroppy.
culo - (noun, masc.) ass
cutre - (masc. or fem., noun & adjective) idiot, jerk; sth you don't like (una cosa cutre)
chacon - (noun, fem) † cunt note This come from the Argentinian lunfardo (slang) where many words are inverted by sillabes. So the original is concha. La chacon de tu madre should be read as La concha de tu madre (Your mother's cunt)
chapero - In Spain, male homosexual prostitute note Quite despective; only poor kids are supposed to play with "chapas".
chardo - (noun, masc.) † black person note This is Cuban slang for "nigger".
chichis - (noun) † Tits note Used to talk about "large" women. You know what I mean.
Chinga tu madre - Fuck your mother note I think it speaks for itself.
chingar - to fuck note Mexican Spanish. Can be used on its own or in a sentence as 'chinga tu puta madre'. Literally it means 'fuck your mother of a whore' and is used in the same sense as 'fuck you'.
chocho - (adj. masc.) cunt note Has the same meanings in Spain as in Mexico. Can be used as verb: "chochear", meaning that you are senile; rude for people over 50 Ex. "Este tio chochea"
chocho, chocha - (noun, masc. or fem.) cunt
cholo - (noun, masc.) pimp note (Mex. and Puerto Rican Spanish) This word is also used to mean half-breed / mixed race.
Chupame la polla!!! - ‡ Suck my dick note Someone wrote Chupar Es Mi pinga..... that doesn't make any sense, you could say 'Chupame mi pinga' or 'Chupame la polla' or 'Chupamela'. All of them are very rude.
Chupar Es Mi Pinga - † suck my dick note pronounced- chewpar s me peenga